Thursday, July 31, 2014

Earring Holder Art

Do you have a lot of earrings and no place to store them?
You can make your own earring holder.
You just need small canvas and paint, I used acrylic non-toxic paint.
Paint any picture you like.  If you do not like to paint, you can buy already painted canvas.
Punch tiny holes and put your earrings in.
Hang on the wall.

Easy to see what you would like to wear today.
And it makes a nice art as well.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Word/Picture Puzzle #12

Guess the meaning of the picture.

A phrase.

What does the phrase mean?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cube Unfolding Puzzle #4

Look carefully at the two pictures of the same cube.

Which patterns can be folded into the cube? There could be more than one.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Tornado In A Bottle

To make a tornado in a bottle you will need:
two 2-liter bottles, their cups and water.

Remove the labels from the bottles.
***For this part adult supervision is required.***
Make a small holes in the cups of the bottles, and use a glue gun to glue them together, back to back, so they will become air tight.
Pour two thirds of water into one of the bottles,
and connect them with the double cup you made.
Flip over so the bottle with water is on the top, and swirl the bottles holding by the top bottle.
You will see a tornado funnel in a top bottle.
The air from the bottom bottle pushes up, while the water swirls around and pours down.
For a visual effect you can add some sparkles into the water.
Have fun observing the tornado effect.

You can experiment, by adding different things to water, or maybe adding food colouring or colour lamp oil.  You can also see what happens when you change the size of the hole in the cups.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Wonderland Logic Puzzle

Five friends, Adam, Betty, John, Linda and Peter, love to visit Wonderland together, but each of them enjoys different rides and different treats.  
1. Girls don't like Leviathan and The Bat rides and they prefer treats that are not cold.
2. Peter likes Funnel Cake more than Cotton Candy, and like girls doesn't like Leviathan and The Bat.
3. The person who likes the Bat ride also likes ice-cream.
4. Linda's favourite ride is Guardian, and she is scared to ride Time Warp.
5. The person who likes Beavertails also likes Night Mares ride.
6. John likes Snow Cones.

Can you figure out who likes what?

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Cube Unfolding Puzzle #3

Look carefully at the patterns.

Which pattern cannot be folded into a cube?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Canada Day Fireworks

Fireworks over the Celebration Square in Mississauga

Balloons Over The Celebration Square

Canada Day Celebration in Mississauga.
Everyone got up and played with huge, colourful balloons.
Lot's of fun.

Rebus #5

Guess the meaning of the picture.


What is a rebus?