Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Word/Picture Puzzle #8

Guess the meaning of the picture

An idiom

What is an idiom?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Balloon Powered Egg Carton Car

To build your own balloon powered cart you will need:
Two drinking straws,
two barbecue wooden sticks,
four plastic bottle cups,
one egg carton,
one balloon.
How to make your balloon powered car:
1. cut the egg carton in half,
2. cut one of the straws in half, and attach each half with duct tape to the bottom of the egg carton, see the picture below,
3. push the barbecue sticks through the straws,
4. puncture a small hole in the middle of the plastic bottle cups, and put them at the end of the sticks,
5. tape the balloon with the duct tape to the second straw, see the picture below,
6. attach the straw with the balloon to the top of the car.

Your car is ready to go.
Blow the balloon, and put the car on the floor.  The air coming out of the balloon will move the car forward.
Have Fun

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dots To Squares Puzzle

Each dot shown below, can be a vertex (corner) of a square. 
How many squares can you draw?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snowing Everywhere Action Rhyme

Rhyme with actions:
Snowing Here 
(wiggle your fingers, bringing your hands down on the left)
Snowing There
  (wiggle your fingers on the right)
Snowing, Snowing Everywhere 
(wiggle your fingers and make a big circle with your hands)
On The Rooftops 
(make a roof with your hands over your head)
On The Pines 
(stretch your arms up and put your palms together, then slowly bring them down and move them to both sides)
Let's Go Out 
(pretend you are opening the door)
And Let's Have Fun
  (skip in the spot).

Friday, January 3, 2014

Unusual Word #3

The word has eleven letters.
The word means a rumbling in your tummy, or a gurgling sound produced by the movement of fluid and gas in the intestines.
Letters 1 through 6 - The first three letters are repeated again.  You can find them in boring, born and borax;
the 7th letter sounds like a question;
the 8th letter sounds like the beginning of the words jeans and jingle but it is not a "j";
the 9th letter is the 13th letter of the alphabet;
the 10th letter sounds like you;
the 11th letter starts the name of a long creature that does not have legs.

Did you guess the word?


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cube Unfolding Puzzle #2

Look carefully at the two pictures of the same cube.

Which pattern can be folded into the cube?